Welcome to our world. BurJuman's unique, end-to-end technology-driven approach to modular building solutions is transforming the way spaces are built.
We are redefining the construction criterion in the Sultanate of Oman by using technology and offsite manufacturing to construct better projects, in more than half the time with significant cost savings compared to traditional construction methods. We are in line and inspired with the Oman Vison 2040 that seeks economic growth and achieve balanced socio-economic development under the Royal guidance and directives of our leader His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik.
By eradicating inefficiencies at each stage of the building process cycle, we give clients greater control, delivering their project in a very short time and at significant cost savings. We are on a mission to establish that there is a enhanced way to build, and the better way is with modular. Our clients look to us to build their spaces with speed, quality, safety, environmental sustainability and cost effectiveness. Let's connect and let us know how we can help you with your next project!
Saud Al Dhakhri
Managing Director
Every business, no matter what industry, influences the world around it. Being a responsible business means being honest about the consequences of our activities - minimizing the negative impacts and maximizing the positive opportunities.
We believe in doing business in a way that is fair, transparent and, above all, safe and sustainable.
Our approach to health and safety is based on the idea of personal commitment and individual empowerment.
The implications of climate change and diminishing natural resources are compelling us to rethink the way we operate.